Rose Bouquet 8


A perfect gift for your loved one, a stunning 6 Blue Rose Bouquet. An elegant arrangement for local roses. Above all, it fits all occasions.

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Rose Bouquet

rose bouquet is not just for couples, birthdays, and special occasions. Because sometimes, all you need is to just take some bit of heaven and share it with your loved ones.

Express your love and emotions by sending them the sweetest gift ever! Because with Bennies, we make stories and we deliver emotions.

Product Name: Rose Bouquet 8

Inclusion on this product:

  • 6 Blue Roses (Dyed)

  • Card


  • 1 Foil Balloon

We deliver not just flowers and surprises, but we deliver emotions straight from your heart.

Customized your own Bouquet! Let us be your assistant as we are more than happy to help you in choosing the perfect bouquet arrangement. For instance, Contact Us!

However, for feedback and suggestions:

In addition, The Bennies Flower shop has come a long way from its beginnings in San Pedro. When Benny first started, her passion for delivering emotions drove them to bring the store online so that Bennies Flower Shop can offer you stunning products across the internet. We now serve customers all over the Main Metro Manila, Laguna, Cavite and are thrilled that we’re able to turn our passion into our website.

Service Area (City):


San Pedro City, Biñan City, Santa Rosa City, Cabuyao, Calamba, Los Baños, Bay

In addition, long-distance delivery:

Calauan, Alaminos, San Pablo, Rizal, Nagcarlan, Victoria, Pila, Magdalena, Liliw, Majayjay, Santa Cruz, Pagsanjan, Luisiana, Cavinti, Lumban, Kalayaan, Paete, Pangil, Pakil, Siniloan, Famy, Mabitac, Santa Maria


Carmona, Silang, General Mariano Alvarez, Dasmariñas, Imus, Bacoor City, General Trias City

In addition, long-distance delivery:

Rosario, Noveleta, Kawit, Cavite City, Amadeo, Indang, Tanza, Trece Martires City, Tagaytay City, Alfonso, General Emilio Aguinaldo, Magallanes, Maragondon, Mendez, Naic, Ternate

Metro Manila:

Muntinlupa City, Las Piñas City, Parañaque City, Pasay City, Taguig City, Makati City, Peteros City, Pasig City

In addition, long-distance delivery:

Mandaluyong City, San Juan City, Manila City, Caloocan, Malabon, Navotas, Valenzuela, Quezon City


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